Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Re Defining the D-League

ESPN recently posted their 5 on 5 column  that primarily focused on the aftermath of Spurs "Restgate" scandal(or whatever you want to call it) with David Stern. One the topics they brought up was the length of the NBA season.
Overall I'm fine with an 82 game season. But I'd like them  to use the D-league like MLB uses the minors. One of the more productive things that I thought came out of last years Lockout negotiations was the ability to send players back and forth the D-League and their NBA counterparts. About a third of  NBA teams have taken advantage of this by owning their own D-league teams. Inserting coaching staff, offensive, and defensive systems to replicate those on the NBA level. This is great and I hope that more teams take advantage of this.
So what does this have to with the NBA season and Restgate? MLB has September Call Ups, The NBA should have February call ups. The D-League's season is only 50 games(excluding playoffs), That leaves 32 games left in the NBA season. Coaches can rest players and it gives that D-leaguers something to work towards.

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